Web 110: Web Authoring I
Gad, the things I don't know. That's what brings me here.
In 1999 I started my own online magazine because I had no money for paper, and because electrons are free. I called it Get Lost Magazine (dot com) and after 10 years of great articles and fun, I realized it was so cumbersome from inept PageMill HTML that I couldn't update it quickly. I spent no time writing, and all my time fiddling with files. My spawn had become a monster.
Dreamweaver helped a lot but I still didn't know what was going wrong when things failed. My mom wanted a spin-off site from her "Eats" column in Get Lost Magazine, so I set her up with a blog, which we didn't like, so New Economy Cooking turned into something un-bloggy and not interactive. Bummer. In my search for tricks to navigating the waters of the New Economy, I started a new site, This Offbeat Life, and discovered WordPress, which I still haven't figured out but I'm working on it.
So my gap-filled self-education has gotten me past my early days as a dinosaur with a shoebox full of punchcards, to the loveable but shabby site-writer you see today. No, wait. The sites are loveable and shabby. I'm irritable and confused.