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ITC 298: 10 Super Easy SEO Copywriting Tips for Improved Link Building


Assignment 5: 10 Super Easy SEO Copywriting Tips for Improved Link Building

May 3rd, 2011 - Posted by Cyrus Shepard to Content & Blogging

First let me mention that whenever I consider myself a Typical Consumer or Typical Reader or Typical Anything, I’m quickly proven woefully wrong. So I’m very happy to find this article on copywriting for SEO that takes a scientific view of user behavior. From a design point of view, the author articulates things we know instinctively about what attracts our eye and attention. I’ve used his numbered points for this report, because, hey, they’re numbers. And you know numbers are in our top five list of things we love.

He starts by comparing two pages with similar content: one is bulleted with lots of white space, and the other is a large block of text in only a few paragraphs. The pages earned links 378 to 6 (or 60 times more). The author offers ten tips to improve web copy to attract more links.

1 . Write for Power Skimmers

Lay out page using color, images, language and layout, as though it’s a billboard that has to be read by a motorcycle rider speeding past.

Unless you are Wikipedia, don’t look like Wikipedia.

2. Why Headline Formulas Work

Headlines organize our content by making a promise to the reader. The body of your content delivers on that promise. An example of a recent cover for Wired Magazine shows the headlines and cover art. People are accustomed to knowing that if there’s a headline, the rest of the details will be on the inside pages. Instead of "gimmicky," think of them as a framework for the promise you make. When I’m stuck for headline inspiration, I surf the fantastic resources over at Copyblogger.

3. Get 20% More with Numbers

Numbers grab our attention and light up the ordered, mathematical part of our brain to make content more attractive. It also provides you with a way to structure your material in a way that makes sense.

4. Free and Easy Power Words

These include words like quick, easy, guarantee and free. The opposite of power words includes language like try, maybe, might, possibly and perhaps. These "halfway" words kill your writing. Don’t hedge your bets with weak prose.

5. A Picture is Worth 1000 Clicks

Rethink your visuals. Visuals are essential to any story. Include original media in your content. A simple, 100% original hand drawing attracts more interesting any day of the week than using Parked Domain Girl. It doesn’t matter what you use, just make it original.

6. Use Sub-Headlines or Die Trying

If your text is longer than 250-400 words, you must use sub-headlines. No exceptions.

7. When in Doubt, List it Out

Lists are the building blocks of ideas. Humans crave order. There’s also the visual element, literally a building block, containing bullets and white space to make the content stand out.

 Hierarchy can be applied to lists, order makes the content easier to remember and easier to find again later.

I knew there was a reason I paid attention in grade school when Iearned outlining.


Utilize quotes. I’d like to add,

"keep quotes under maybe three lines. This introduces white space and some interesting typography which makes it stand out."

9. The Bold and the Italic

Make use of bolds and italics for more important content points. If you don’t have things to bold or italicize, the copy might be very weak.

10. Be Honest

This is a good point. One thing I’ve noticed about the internet in general is that for every gullible pinhead that forwards inflammatory made-up crap, there are two bullshit detecting vigilantes of truth.  I love them. So being honest in copywriting just makes sense. It’s also easier to not play your readers or do a hard sell. It’s also easier to project your own personality on your subject which usually works better than copy that is slick and manufactured. Of a zillion internet viewers out there, there’s probably a million or so that are sympathetic readers.