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ITC 298: Technical Site Audit Checklist


Assignment 6: Technical Site Audit Checklist

May 22nd, 2011 - Posted by Geoff Kenyon

“At the end of your audit, don’t write a document that says what’s wrong with the website. Instead, create a document that says what needs to be done. Then explain why these actions need to be taken and why they are important. What seems to be really helpful is to provide a prioritized list along with your document of all the actions that you would like them to implement. This list can be handed off to a dev or content team to be implemented easily....”

Checklists are good things. Ask any airplane pilot. Even if you have done the airplane rundown a zillion times, a pilot gets out the checklist and goes through it systematically. I learned to run a broadcast video camera using a checklist type of system, basically reviewing every setting from the battery in the back all the way to all the switches in the middle to the lens hood. The checklist was a linear process. So when I found this article, which guarantees that the important technical considerations in an SEO audit are covered and in the right order, I thought I’d share it.

The author provides a Technical Checklist and the end product is a punchlist deliverable for the tech team to implement. The checklist is divided by categories:

  • overview
  • content
  • duplicate content
  • accessibility
  • site architecture
  • technical issues
  • canonicalization
  • URLs
  • internal linking
  • title tags
  • meta tags

Many of the categories have additional reading links to explain tactics and tricks, and other site audit tools.

The list seems almost like an SEO education in one sweep!