This continuation of Web 110, taught by Sara Newman, goes beyond HTML and into CSS.
I'm taking Web Authoring II and Typography this quarter. My interest is web design and project management. I do enjoy hand-coding and knowing I could do a website armed with just a rusty text editor and a dream. I'm already designing web sites and remodels of really creaky web sites, and aiming to make a living at it. My focus this quarter is a killer portfolio site leading to paying projects.
Get Lost Magazine - online magazine since 1999, making a pittance in AdSense since 2003 (yes, I consider that some kind of victory.) If you look at the source code of the old archive pages you'll see the tragic remnants of the ignorant application of PageMill. It's gnarly.
This Offbeat Life - My attempt to write what I might put in an extended column or blog, provide useful reviews of interesting things, and monetize things somewhat. No traffic. Probably too unfocused.
New Economy Cooking - My mom's cooking website. Excellent and yummy content, needs some kind of WordPress treatment for reader interaction. Also. I need a solution for "inadequate or not enough" traffic. (Thanks, Brooke Shields, for dignifying possibly the most insulting explanation for paucity that a pharmaceutical company ever made someone say on television. "Inadequate? Does that mean, like, not enough? Oh, whew, thanks, Brooke!")
Backpacking by Bus - Dave McBee's site, and my Spring 2009 project from Web110. Quite proud of the rollover menu. A BBPress bulletin board was installed to provide community but mostly it draws spam rather than traffic.