Leslie Strom design


Leslie Strom is a designer based in Seattle, Washington. “Based” is a loose concept; with a laptop and wifi she works all over the globe. Since 1998 she has specialized in providing an online home for community, exploration and story.


For our clients looking to sustainability in their website, we approach their communications needs in two parts: the design and the mechanics. For clients who want to mange their own site, we employ a building-block strategy beginning with a solid site structure, adding components as needed. Add-ons might include autoresponders, blogs, content management, advertising, search engines, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media links. We set these things up for you, and we can show you how to do this yourself. If you already have a website that’s outdated and needs new tricks, we can help strategize new function, roll up our sleeves, and get it rebuilt.

It’s a convoluted and byzantine world in cyberspace, and we can save you hours of frustration assembling all the fiddly parts to get your web presence looking and performing the way you want it. We can also help repurpose your web presence into an overall identity package, with logos, signage, letterhead and cards.




