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Week 4 - Tables

A Web Man's Guide to Herbal Baths

Did you know that taking herbal baths regularly can help you look like any of these web industry professionals?

Jay Jay Ben P. Fez Guys Mateo Sven
J.J. Ben P. The Fez Guys Mateo Sven

Well, it's absolutely true! I know you are dying to find out how you can look like this too. Their secret lies in knowing which herbs will give you the best results.

Let's take a sneak peek at which herbs each of the gentlemen above prefers, and then we'll check out a the recipe that is bound to not only work out those kinks at end of your dot.com day, but also make your skin oh so soft!

Herb Properties Guys' choice
Comfrey Although comfrey can be a very invasive plant in the garden, it is an incredibly healing plant, good for most skin problems, known to sometimes heal skin too fast. J.J. says "thumbs up!"
Calendula A skin soother, good for irritated and dry skin. Ben may look like a tough guy, but he has sensitive skin that calendula treats just right.
Lavender With its multiple properties of being a skin cleanser and astringent, as well as a wonderful scent, this is great for skin. All the guys rate lavender number one!
Peppermint Cooling and antiseptic, the herb has an emollient effect on skin. Mateo particularly like the emollience.
Rose petals Astringent and cleansing. A winner with with both of The Fez Guys.
Witch Hazel Cleansing and astringent, good for inflamed skin, and tightens loose tissue. Has deodorizing properties. Three out of five guys need the firming qualities that witch hazel provides.

And now...here's the recipe that you have been waiting for!

Mateo's Bath Bombs


1/4 C baking soda
2 T citric acid (called "sour salt" in the kosher food aisle)
1 T borax
2 T Powdered sugar
2 T almond oil or olive oil
1 t vitamin E (for skin so soft)
1/4 t essential oil


  1. Combine dry ingredients.
  2. Drizzle almond oil previously mixed with vitamin E and fragrance and mix well.
  3. Take teaspoon sized globs and form into balls with your fingers (Mixture is very crumbly, so do the best you can).
  4. Place these on wax paper and let harden 2 or 3 hours, then reshape again.
  5. Let dry completely, about 10 days, then store in an airtight container.

To use, drop 1 or 2 into the bath and enjoy. Mateo likes to press this mixture into little candy molds. Increase about 4 times to make a man-sized batch.


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